Get ahead with rapid scanning
You’ll waste no time, scanning up to 130ppm in landscape and 100ppm in portrait , in a single pass, with unbelievable image quality and accuracy every time.
Get your document management sorted in no time
Odd sizes, mixed batches of document, no worries. The DR-G1130 will scan everything from A3 to business card size without a fuss. You’ll enjoy scanning that’s jam free every time.
Good on energy
This super smart scanner meets ENERGY STAR Program guidelines for energy efficiency and comes with stand-by mode settings too.
No slip ups
Ultrasonic double feed sensing means you’ll never find multiple sheets slipping through the scanner together – even when you’re working with different paper sizes or weights.
Nothing is too hard
It’s one smart cookie. The DR-G1130 automatically straightens documents, removes binder holes, enhances colour and text and eliminates bleed. It even knows when to skip a blank page.
Staple free are no issue
This is no lightweight scanner. A smart staple detector will catch and reject any pesky staples ahead of time, before they make a mess of your documents.